Do you remember the last time you received truly excellent medical care? Although it isn't always a common thing to find, you can have better luck by doing what you can to research different doctors and medical clinics. I wanted to share this website with the world, since this is what I have been doing for years. It has been a really excellent journey to find different ways to keep great care of myself, and I know that it is all due to the help of my great doctor. Read more about self care on this blog, so that you don't have to settle for anything less than the best.
26 December 2017
Hearing loss can be a big concern and while having difficulty hearing is not always an indication of permanent damage the only way to be sure is to have your hearing tested. Even if a permanent hearing loss is detected by testing there may be things you can do to improve your hearing. But a trip to the audiologist is the only way to get a clear picture of what is causing the problem.
26 December 2017
Medical News Today says that heart disease is the leading cause of death not only in the U.S., but throughout the world. While you cannot change your genes, there are other ways you can lower your risk for this problem. One way is by checking your cholesterol levels. During a physical, your primary care physician can test your cholesterol and help you make healthy changes. Read on to learn more about what cholesterol is, why too much is hazardous, and how you can lower your levels.
26 December 2017
If you've suffered an orthopedic injury, and your case is going to trial, you need an expert witness. You may be worried about the expense of hiring an expert witness, but you shouldn't be. When it comes to a personal injury case, you can't afford to go without an expert witness, especially when it involves orthopedic injuries. Here are just four of the reasons why you need an expert witness in your corner.
26 December 2017
Owning a convenience store can be a great way to generate income. In order to ensure that your store is as successful as possible, you need to stock items that your customers want to buy. Tracking your inventory over time can be a simple and effective way to identify which items are selling so that you can keep these popular items in stock. Here are three tips that you can use to better manage your convenience store inventory in the future.
24 December 2017
It's been estimated that more than 12% of seniors over the age of 65 need some type of long-term care assistance, and this number only goes up as they age. Maybe your parent falls into that category, or their mental capacity has diminished to the point that they need round-the-clock care, but they don't want to move into a facility. Here are three different options to pursue when your elderly parent wants to stay at home for as long as possible.